New York, Ny 10023

Postpartum Anxiety Disorders

Dr. Annette Attolini Fertuck

Temporary feelings of anxiety are a normal part of the human experience. Everyday stress in our lives can motivate us to solve problems.

For example, it’s common to feel anxious before an exam, during a dispute at work, or during a major life change like having a baby.

This type of anxiety can motivate you to study, have a critical discussion with your co-worker, or prepare for your new role as a mother.

An Anxiety Disorder, however, involves more than occasional anxiety or preoccupation. If you’re experiencing anxiety that’s not going away, or is getting worse and more difficult to tolerate, it’s wise to consider:

  • Am I constantly worried?
  • Am I having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep?
  • Am I afraid to leave home with my baby by myself?
  • Do I feel like I can’t turn the doubts and fears in my mind off?
  • Am I experiencing physical symptoms like nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate, and chest pain?
  • Am I having scary dreams or thoughts about my baby being harmed?

If you answer “yes” to most of these, you might benefit from professional help.

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